Hi, I'm Nasra

Full Stack | Web Developer

About Me

My name is Nasra Hassan and I am a dedicated Full Stack Web Developer with a background in Customer Service and Health Records. I live in the Twin Cities Metro Area. I am both driven, self-motivated, and constantly finding ways to grow. I am very passionate about Web Development and strive to better myself as a developer.

When I'm not on the computer, I enjoy reading, painting, and traveling.


Front End

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React, Bootstrap.

Back End

Node, MySQL, MongoDB, Express.


Git, GitHub, Heroku, API, AJAX/JSON.


(more coming soon)

fitness tracker
Note Taker


Deployed GitHub Repo
online store
Online Store

Group Project

Technologies: Javascript, MYSQL, Sequelize, Handlebars, Node, Express

Deployed GitHub Repo
weather dashboard
Weather Dashboard

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, API

Deployed GitHub Repo
burger app

Technologies: Handlebars,JavaScript,MYSQL

Deployed GitHub Repo
fitness tracker
Fitness Tracker

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, MongoDB

Deployed GitHub Repo

Download My Resume

PDF Download

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